Shatavari (H),
Thaneer vittan kizhangu (Tml),
Shatavari (S)

It was traditionally known as a medicinal plant, but people lost the practice. In ayurveda it is a medicine of great value. And based on those details people have restarted using it.
The milk decoction (by adding crushed peices of the root in a mixture on one glass of milk and one glass of water and boiling it till all the water evaporates) is taken. In families where the milk is unaffordable, just a decoction in water is taken.
Lakshmikantha after spending vast unaffordable sums for her bleeding piles, switched to regular use of shatavari, and managed to completely address her condition.
Annapurna's mother came to me and said she wanted ayurvedic medicine for 'B.P' ! As her symptom was 'bhramam' or giddiness, the medicine for that was bala (Sida cordifolia) - shatavari milk decoction. Both herbs commonly available. With much zest, Kanthamma started making and having the decoction daily, halving her allopathic tablet. The next day she brought another old lady from a neighbouring village telling her that I would treat her 'BP' !
Shatavari is also extrememly good for lactation for nursing mothers. It is very good for children (and adults) as a tonic. It is also good for epilepsy !
Eashwaramma says that this works better than all the purchased ayurvedic medicines ! That is as per the ayurvedic text - that drugs growing wild are always far more potent.
Every time in the village we go on a trip down the stream for shatavari. While walking down when I mentioned to Eashwaramma that with so many people using it, there would be less and less, she simply asked, 'let everyone use - should only we benefit ?'
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