(via Sunny Narang)
Green Money: It is my belief that probably 95% of Indians work best in groups of 5 or below
are many e-mails, essays , I have written over the last 10-15 years on
the 90% "iceberg-truths" not much known or publicised in mainstream
media . The 90% of unorganised/informal economy is done in cash but that
is not mostly "black-money" , it is "white" as most people earn much
below the annual taxable incomes but not passing via banks or post
office accounts .
So there is not just "White" or "Black" money in India , there is "White" which is not in mainstream financial systems .
What do we call that money ? It is not Black even if it is cash , and it is in Cash and also mostly White .
This "Demonetisation Gambit" is making all Cash seem Black. Nothing could be further from the truth .
call this Cash Economy which is what maybe almost 80-90% of Indians
live in , neither "White" nor "Black" . This is the "Green" Money .
has very small enterprises , minimum working capital mostly below Rs.10
lacs , employ the family and 2-20 people , is sustainable and small ,
in fact tiny or micro enterprise is the word .
For India we need another category that mainstream economists have not categorised .
I will call it "Green Money "
This essay was written in November , 2015 .
There are about 200-250 million ownership-enterprises in India .
Agriculture 140 MSME 30 Retail 20 Hawkers 10 Crafts 7 Organised Companies registered 1.5 million.
than 5% are large to medium . 95% are micro and small , and that is
what runs India . Mostly are family owned , 2-5 employees .
are organised , 6% about 5 employees and less , 87% maybe 2 employees
and family . Even in organised sector 75% will be small service
businesses or services if you look at schools , there are 1.5 million ,
majority primary .
So psychologically I call it the 5 limit of Paanch-Paandav group psychology , Guru Gobind Singh also chose Punj Pyaare !
It is my belief that probably 95% of Indians work best in groups of 5 or below .
million organised employment , of which about 9 million Industrial
employment . 70% in Government Sector . About 160,000 factories of which
75% employ less than 50 workers .
70 million in MSME sector employment 30 million enterprises.
40 million in retail and logistics with about 18-20 million stores and truck operators .
7 million artisan families . Home -based enterprises .
10 million hawkers , about 1% of Urban population and 0.3% of Rural Population NSS 1991 figures .
million agricultural holdings . 400 million employment in mixed
agriculture-dairy-immigrant workers part time-craft ; Rural lifestyles
foundation .
on that definition they found that the EUS data for 2004-05 showed that
84.7 per cent of jobs in the economy were in the informal sector, 4.5
per cent in the public sector, 2.5 per cent in the private corporate
sector and 8.4 per cent in the ‘formal’ household sector, consisting of
enterprises employing more than five workers (Chart 2).
17.5 million in Govt . only 2.5 million in Central Govt . 15 million in state , local government . (2011)
Govt. Manufacturing about 1 million only. Mining another 1.1 million.
Private Sector Mining only 132,000 employment . Manufacturing 5.4 million . Total 11.4 million .
Total Organised about 29 million . Less than 10% mining employment in Organised Private Sector .
Enterprises in MSME 30 million . Employment 70 million.
The ASI report
notes that though the class of factories with the lowest employment of
less than 50 workers comprises the largest share of factories (72.04 per
cent), it utilises only 8.45 per cent of the fixed capital, provides
employment to 17.23 per cent of total employees, produces 11.63 per cent
of the total output and generates 8 per cent of the national income in
the form of net value added by manufacture. On the other hand, factories
that employ 200 or more employees comprise 8.39 per cent of all
factories, utilise 77.37 per cent of thefixed capital and
contribute to 57.99 per cent of employment, 69.60 per cent of the total
output and 76.35 per cent of net value added in manufacturing.
is, of course, a sharp regional disparity in the number of factories
across states. Almost 30 per cent of the total factories in India are
in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, but there is barely any presence of factories in small states like Manipur, Nagaland and Meghalaya.
About 160,000 factories providing employment to about 9 million people .
Retail Sector : Retailing in India is one of the pillars of its economy and accounts for about 22 percent of its GDP.. India's retail and logistics industry employs about 40 million Indians (3.3% of Indian population. Supermarkets and similar organised retail accounted for just 4% of the market. The
typical Indian retail shops are very small. Over 14 million outlets
operate in the country and only 4% of them being larger than 500 sq ft
(46 m2)
in size. India has about 11 shop outlets for every 1000 people. Vast
majority of the unorganised retail shops in India employ family
The figure of full time artisans is about 7 million but part-time can go upto any number ranging upto 200 million .
basically the farming/dairying/rural services population will be all
inter-mixed as a lifestyle at about 800-900 million , with temporary
immigration to towns and cities at about 200 million.
An estimated 63% of artisans are self-employed while 37% are wage earners according to facts presented in J Jaitley’s book Vishwakarma’s Children,
2001. Traditional knowledge and craft skills are passed down from one
generation to another, so that whole families and communities are
engaged in production. An estimated 71% of artisans work as family units
and 76% attribute their profession to the fact that they have learnt
family skills. It is important to note that most official figures count
only the head of the production unit and wage earners in official
figures, leaving out the 5-6 family members who are also dependent on
crafts for sustenance, thus creating an incomplete understanding of the
sector’s size and importance.
are about 140 million land holdings supporting about 350 -400 million
working people , in agriculture and dairying . Population supported
about 700 million.
India has the second largest agricultural land in the world. As India Brand Equity Foundation,
a trust established by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry points
out: “At 157.35 million hectares, India holds the second largest
agricultural land globally.” Only, the United States has more
agricultural land than India.
The average holding size of land has come down over the decades. The State of the Indian Agricultural Report for 2012-2013 points
out that: “As per Agriculture Census 2010-11, small and marginal
holdings of less than 2 hectare account for 85 percent of the total
operational holdings and 44 percent of the total operated area. The
average size of holdings for all operational classes (small &
marginal, medium and large) have declined over the years and for all
classes put together it has come down to 1.16 hectare in 2010-11 from
2.82 hectare in 1970-71.”
58 percent of India's population (as per India Brand Equity Foundation)
agriculture is a primary source of livelihood. But agriculture accounts
only 14 percent of the GDP.
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