To mop the floor with cowdung, fingers aligned so that the curves comes neatly, and then to cover the floor with the rangolis. Every Friday is a celebration of creation.
As much as we want to serve villages, if we also set to learn the essential joys and meaning from villages, the planet may yet be saved.
Instead the TVs bombard the villages, to teach them that real aspiration is in material possessions.
Komakkambedu Himakiran Anugula If you notice how Telecom, Consumer Electronics & Media are probably the only few industries which are growing rapidly, you'd think it's part of the plan to push lifestyles, products, aspirations to the village folks.
Komakkambedu Himakiran Anugula We
have 3G, FMCG & Tasmac across TN, but they don't show the same
efforts in healthcare, education, agriculture and financial credit.
Aparna Krishnan Every
agenda is dictated by the corporates. Yes, it seems a very clear and
focussed single point stragety to rope in every village into their
market base.
Aparna Krishnan We seem quite inept in front of them - even if we claim that moral power is on our side !
Komakkambedu Himakiran Anugula what can we do when most of our own are on their side, unknowingly!
Aparna Krishnan yes.
in another decade or so, the genocide will be complete. The schooled
generation is already totally alienated from their ways and more. With
each old person passing away, an ocean of wisdom, of skills and of
knowlege is buried forever. When the rural community learns contempt
for its ways of being, then its destruction is final.
Aparna Krishnan I would like to be optimistic, but sometimes it feels like living in a fools paradise.
Komakkambedu Himakiran Anugula sad...but I like a good fight!
Aparna Krishnan yep
:). why not !

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