Saturday, 24 December 2016

FB DIscussions - Local Languages and WTO

Matthew Chang - Interestingly enough, in Malaysia most Tamil children go to Tamil medium primary schools and then Malay medium secondary schools. They also learn English in school, so many of them end up being trilingual. Some also know Mandarin/Cantonese, so quadrilingual.

Jeyannathann Karunanithi And they face difficulty in University and their depth of language takes a beating .
Komakkambedu Himakiran Anugula provide University education in their language!
Otherwise we will only be producing workers for solving problems of the AngloSaxons!
Aparna Krishnan The challenge is reorienting economy and livlihoods.
Aparna Krishnan Every Indian wants top be a slave for the Anglo Saxon - they go there bag and baggage as the indentured labour of old did. Because of the power of the dollar.
Aparna Krishnan We are such a servile race - with no spine or pride. At least the slaves went for survival. Here it is simply for greed !
Jeyannathann Karunanithi At the end of the day , every one wants to draw the 'Best Fruits' for their labour. One reason why one wouldn't want to sell their labour for a employer who doesn't value their services. So if one invokes Nationalism and racial Pride to make a person work for a employer who pay pittance , by not respecting their work/labor, I see it as a indirect slavery adopted to extract the maximum from the employee by paying pittance. Aparna Krishnan . At the end of the day , it is about respecting the intense labour one puts in work , be it physical or mental. Wonder why a Bihari travels thousand miles to work in a land that speaks Malayalam. Because he is adequately compensated for his hardwork there. So can you invoke this rationale to ask Bihari Bhai to work in his land , rather than work in a land (Kerala) which has high HDI relatively.
Aparna Krishnan A country, a poor country, nurtured us. The poor farmers nurtured us with their sweat. There is a return obligation to the country. It is very simple.
Jeyannathann Karunanithi Aparna Krishnan At the end of the day , it is about respecting the intense labour one puts in work , be it physical or mental. Wonder why a Bihari travels thousand miles to work in a land that speaks Malayalam. Because he is adequately compensated for his hardwork there. So can you invoke this rationale to ask Bihari Bhai to work in his land to improve Bihar , rather than work in a land (Kerala) which has high HDI relatively.
Aparna Krishnan I have said that poverty and hunger are different. After that is assuaged, one needs to replay one's debts. Anyway, leave it. Just different points of view I suppose.
Komakkambedu Himakiran Anugula Jeyannathann Karunanithi: Remove WTO, focus on agriculture and food processing, produce and consume locally, give ownership and control of resources back to the people; then let's see how the game changes.
Jeyannathann Karunanithi Those are the factors that are manipulating the entire landscape :) If those are taken away , essentially the entire landscape would normalize after a period of time (indeterminate) but yes it will.
Komakkambedu Himakiran Anugula For a few thousand years, Indian subcontinent was the preferred destination because of its unmatched variety, uniqueness and quality of produce.
The Brits recognized this and started building infrastructure only to take the resources and produce out of the country. They put in systems to ensure maximum produce at minimum cost.
Now in the name of globalization read economic colonizing, we are exporting raw materials, people's skills and minds in return for what? cheaply produced crap from China? imported food products from Soya, Palm Oil, etc?
Jeyannathann Karunanithi Isn't this geopolitik and realpolitik beyond the reach of a common man . I do understand that , the world around me is changing far too quickly than I would wish. So I do realize that , am getting sucked inside the swirl because the nation state am part of , is not safeguarding and instead pushing people one at a time into the swirl through its actions. So unless the nation state am part is going to take the command and ensure safeguards for its fellow men , am essentially traversing the ocean swirl to reach my destination that my Potential endows me, with no one to support me except me. In that case , if I wish to safeguard my culture , language , I do it in my own way , essentially preserving it at a state that it is at that moment because the waves that is pushing me around doesn't understand the tongue I speak and without negotiating them , I cannot move ahead towards my destination. So 'Preservation' happens but not 'Enrichment' as there is no way for a chaotic mind scrambling for essentials, to think about enriching their own language or culture. At the end of the day , it is about who controls the flow of money. Before it was Arabic , then it was Latin and now it is English. History always repeats itself. There has always been Supra-National Guilds and corporations which negotiate how the money moves around the world. There has never been a 'Self-Sufficient Region' in this world and always we have rested upon Trade across borders. Be it 'Salt Trade' that happened across Indian subcontinent or rice surplus trade in Deccan. At every point , there has been aggressors and there has been 'persistent' who negotiate ably with every aggression and survive the tide to move forward. In that way , they stay longer on the Global time scale than any aggressor can imagine to stay on the timeline. I think , given the circumstances , we who speak Dravidian tongue have to 'Preserve' and work along the tides to find a sweet spot , where the change of mode from 'Preservation' to 'Enrichment' can happen.
Komakkambedu Himakiran Anugula People make the nation and not vice versa. Any country that doesn't realize that will fail.
Decentralized economy is the best chance of survival as the diversity is ingrained by local conditions. Nature also teaches us the same.
Post industrial revolution and colonial era, is when the accelerated destruction is happening.

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