You would be surprised, but it is true that the study of The Bhagvad
Gita is mandatory for every student joining Seton Hall University in New
Jersy (USA), The course is titled 'The Journey of Transformation'. And
sadly in our country the language of the Gods that is best suited to the
computer scripting when proposed to be made compulsory is being opposed
tooth and nail by our so called intellectuals, free thinkers and
secularists. If we in India make stury of the Bhagvad Gita compulsory,
all hell will break lose, and every intellectual, writer, scholar worth
his name would fight it out in the name of secularism, "
Vidyasankar Sundaresan Everything
about this is true, except that phrase about "best suited for computer
scripting". That is a misunderstanding of both Sanskrit and computer
Aparna Krishnan yes - and that is irrelevent also in this post imo !
Aparna Krishnan but
why are we educated indians so insecure and defensive and apolegetic
and strung up about our heritage ? is it only because we were colonized ?
Vidyasankar Sundaresan The pains of decolonizing our minds. This process makes people on both sides of such arguments very insecure!
Aparna Krishnan yes actually. both sides are defensive and highly strung.
Karthikeya Sivasenapathy Aparna Krishnan because bhagavath Gita is not everyone's heritage including me .
Ansu VT Seton
Hall is a Catholic affiliated university which has many religion based
courses. 'The Journey of Transformation' is one such course. This is
news from 2008 Seton Hall Magazine. See page 9. https://blogs.shu.edu/.../2008/03/winter-spring2008.pdf
Suraj Kumar One
of the reasons why Maharishi Mahesh Yogi left India. You can teach
someone who doesn't know, but you can't teach someone who thinks he
already knows.
Aparna Krishnan I
have no idea why he left. 1. All the more reason to bring back people
into the fold. 2. Its only the EnglishEducated who have or feign disdain
for their roots. Ordinary people are rooted in a simple religiousness.
Mohammad Chappalwala Aparna Krishnan
In some of your posts you fall into the same trap as the right wing
wants the public to. This claim of know all being superior is being
done by followers of all religions and their text, language is the
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
Sanskrit is the language of the Hindu gods, Arabic of Allah, Hebrew of
Jehovah and Aramaic of the Christian god. Simple solution! With no
claims to superiority or any hierarchy.

Aparna Krishnan i
see Mohanned. Yes. But I did not mean it that way at all. About the
superiority of any text or religion over any other. I was addressing the
defensiveness of the EnglishEducatedindian about anything traditional
and hoary. The Geeta does have a sublime
message, but we will not allow it into schools. I partly understand
that we are a multi religious community and need to be sensitive - but
the reactionariness of this community of EnglishEducated goes beyond all
Mohammad Chappalwala yes there are subtleties but Vipin is not seeing that
Aparna Krishnan I think Vipin Sharma
is seeing that clearly. He is not positing one religion over another.
He is simply referring to the defensiveness of the EnglishEducatedIndian
that I am, I think.
Mohammad Chappalwala i think this is subtle right wing propaganda
Mohammad Chappalwala ALL
texts are only for the elite, the one who tills, makes his own roof,
hunts and knows how to live with the land dont need any text
Aparna Krishnan some
of my positions match what the left says, and some what the right says.
I need to stand with my own understanding even if it is also mouthed by
those I differ with on other counts. Left or Right.
Aparna Krishnan Of
all texts beings redundant is an oversimplification. I stand by Charaka
and Sushruta and the Geeta. My neighbours are illiterate, but they know
the details of the Mahabharata as I do not.
Mohammad Chappalwala yes that proves that there can be oral traditions too
Aparna Krishnan true. All existm and need to co-exist.
Mohammad Chappalwala like the factory and the farm
Aparna Krishnan i did not say that !!
Aparna Krishnan like the potter and the farmer and the local priest also.
Mohammad Chappalwala Yes i know that the reason this co-exist understanding
Aparna Krishnan meaning ?
Mohammad Chappalwala the local priest is the problem
Aparna Krishnan well,
if my neighbours do not feel so, i will reserve my opinion. He is a
simple soul in the neighbouring village who ties the amulets and
sometimes asks for a hen for a more detailed intervention. there is also
a brahmin priest further away, also simple.
Aparna Krishnan the
immediate gangamma priest is the local SC washerman. Lowest within the
SC caste hierarchy, but most important as far as his priesthood goes !!
Vidyasankar Sundaresan Actually,
I feel most of us have inherited a colonial prejudice against our
ministers and priests, whether it is a local temple pujari (brahmin or
otherwise) or a mullah. Most of them are very good people, with only
good will towards their fellow human beings, even in the big cities.
Aparna Krishnan Probably.. We are deeply colonized in ways we cannot even see.
Karthikeya Sivasenapathy Vidyasankar Sundaresan why will Hindu gods not understand Tamil ? Are they also having a national language of the gods ?
Karthikeya Sivasenapathy Aparna Krishnan
not only religion geetha is not the culture of South Indians, north
east 7 states , Punjab Sikhs , Jammu and Kashmir plus orissa , etc .
Than take tribals , Dalits , Muslims , Christians etc, I don't know how
you got trapped in this . Take the village you are working will geetha
help them or education of Macaulay
Aparna Krishnan I
am only an observer. I am not a reformer, I gave up that mantle long
ago. I see that my village equally incorporates both Krishna and
Gangamma, and that is the reality I am presenting. That they have the ability to absorb all over aeons, and still hold
their own. Yes, they do not 'know the Geeta', but in their
philosophises i see the eternal truths in the vedanta. I suppose the
vedanta was built out of these eternal wisdoms of this land.
Mohammad Chappalwala like i have heard that Arabic is the best language and the language is of "GOD"
Mohammad Chappalwala similarly we can subsititute "your" language in Vipin's post and still it will read the same
Karthikeya Sivasenapathy Geetha
does not mean Hinduism . Geetha is trying to project vaishnavite
philosophy and supremacy of Krisha who is no God to anybody I know .
Idyll notice right wingers always preach only geetha and krishna or Ram
why not Muruga ? Karuparayan ? Muniapan ? Mariamman ? Valli ? Shiva ?
No they will not the Hindutva brigades only God is Vishnu and they will
go all possible to convert all of us .
Aparna Krishnan I
see things as my village neighbours do. That has become a habit. To
them traditionally Bharatam (Mahabharata) has been as central as the
Gangamma jathra. And Krishnamurthy is revered as deeply as
Yerpachchamma. I think the Indian way is to rever all,
accept all divinity and in that sense win over and never get
vanquiched. The Naidus and the Malaa (SC) continue with their animal
sacrifices to Gangamma while revering a local saint Brahnaiyya garu who
advocated not killing animals.
Siva Vats Illanai
illalum vendal eentradutha thai vendal cellathu avan vair chol. Means,
the one lacking wealth is not sought even by wife and mother and his
views have no value. Till China became rich Chinese was only formally a
language of a veto holder in the UN. Now Chinese language and culture, as those of the wealthy, are studied in many countries.
Gita, Brahma sutra and Upanishads deal with reality of Life, also called God with the name "I am". Old testament calls God "I am that I am". Jesus said "I am light of Life" and the Holy Quaran refers to name of God as "An" which translates as "I am". World known by knower "I am" in mind is projected outside mind and withdrawn into memory in mind in every moment "now". Can anyone see world of past or future moments outside their mind ever?
Science and History create in mind their model of a permanent world, by recall of memory and expectations of the future in the mind, as ideas. Their models are imagined to be outside the minds of human beings as a reality; this asserted reality is suspect in some Eastern religious thought. Yet predictions with models of science (though not always of history) come true in the present moment now. That is why models in sciences and histories created by the wealthy are taught in schools and colleges, including in educational institutions of the "have nots".
The "have nots" lack the power of wealth to create more accurate models after reaching the frontiers of the sciences and histories based on the research of the wealthy. Without scientific and historical models replacing dogmas in religious thoughts of the "have nots" the science of person "I am" will not develop in the terminology of the wealthy.
The science of Person "I am" was a true science in the past, but now it is a religious text with dogmas which are not reconciled with the terminology of science. The religious scriptures were true in terminology of Person "I am" but are unable to give predictions which models of modern science do. History is more of subtle foreign policies of the wealthy and is less the issue on hand.
Religious scriptures are used by "have nots" as divine laws to govern their bodily behavior and for the brutal enforcement of subaltern behavior on others, especially women, The so called divine laws are in their application misguided dogmas but are called divine religious edicts. Tyrants used to be afraid of going against them. Now democratic power invites mob madness if it goes against them. Science cannot explain that madness. But science of person can do in terms of predispositions and latent tendencies. Chinese party workers altered predispositions of people in China, even if brutally over some. It covered a whole generation. Doing it democratically requires study of Science of Person which goes beyond scientific models that ignore the predispositions and latent tendencies with which human beings are born.
Gita, Brahma sutra and Upanishads deal with reality of Life, also called God with the name "I am". Old testament calls God "I am that I am". Jesus said "I am light of Life" and the Holy Quaran refers to name of God as "An" which translates as "I am". World known by knower "I am" in mind is projected outside mind and withdrawn into memory in mind in every moment "now". Can anyone see world of past or future moments outside their mind ever?
Science and History create in mind their model of a permanent world, by recall of memory and expectations of the future in the mind, as ideas. Their models are imagined to be outside the minds of human beings as a reality; this asserted reality is suspect in some Eastern religious thought. Yet predictions with models of science (though not always of history) come true in the present moment now. That is why models in sciences and histories created by the wealthy are taught in schools and colleges, including in educational institutions of the "have nots".
The "have nots" lack the power of wealth to create more accurate models after reaching the frontiers of the sciences and histories based on the research of the wealthy. Without scientific and historical models replacing dogmas in religious thoughts of the "have nots" the science of person "I am" will not develop in the terminology of the wealthy.
The science of Person "I am" was a true science in the past, but now it is a religious text with dogmas which are not reconciled with the terminology of science. The religious scriptures were true in terminology of Person "I am" but are unable to give predictions which models of modern science do. History is more of subtle foreign policies of the wealthy and is less the issue on hand.
Religious scriptures are used by "have nots" as divine laws to govern their bodily behavior and for the brutal enforcement of subaltern behavior on others, especially women, The so called divine laws are in their application misguided dogmas but are called divine religious edicts. Tyrants used to be afraid of going against them. Now democratic power invites mob madness if it goes against them. Science cannot explain that madness. But science of person can do in terms of predispositions and latent tendencies. Chinese party workers altered predispositions of people in China, even if brutally over some. It covered a whole generation. Doing it democratically requires study of Science of Person which goes beyond scientific models that ignore the predispositions and latent tendencies with which human beings are born.
Vipin Sharma You
have summed it up very nicely, China under Mao Xe Dung right from the
year 1949 when he brought about the so called cultural revolution by
killing millions of the aristocratic classes and political opponents in
his country and establishing Communism,
and drawing an iron curtain so that the world could not peep inside
China. It was his iron discipline that started bearing fruit after his
death in 1976 when China slowly opened up to the world. It was the next
twenty year period when China worked on its infrastructure development
and opened up the country for the world to come and manufacture whatever
they wanted, roads, ports, warehouses, electricity, water and no
Communist regulations in free economic zones of China was a great leap
forward for the Chinese economy and today China has become an economic
superpower. They have worked hard for it and it is very difficult to
emulate their amazing economic feat because a country like India needs
at least next twenty five years for large scale infra development and to
deal with the red tapism and bureaucratic hurdles, creating a mind set
for doing business and most importantly minimizing the menace of
corruption. But it is true that if a person lacks wealth his words and
ideas are of no value at all even to his wife and mother. This is the
physical part, now on the meta physical side, India remains the leader
despite the fake Gurus who have mushroomed all over India and the
gullible sheeple who follow such frauds. But the fact remains that India
remains a treasure house of spirituality and it is the ill fortune of
Indian people who are running after the consumerism and glamour of the
West rather than making the best use of the storehouse of spiritual
wealth that India symbolizes. And yes you are very riught when you say
that throughout the history, it is the rich who have ruled and made laws
for the masses and as Voltaire had very aptly put it The comfort of the
rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor and nothing much has
changed over the centuries. Very well summed up by you as to why the
influence of the 'haves' continues to be immense upon the 'have nots'
the fight goes on.
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