Thippa theega – Tinospora cordifloria (L), Seenthil kodi (Tml), Guduchi (S)
This creeper with heart shaped leaves, and a thin papery layer peeling off the matured stems, grows wild everywhere. Our home has this creeping over all the trees. Just tossing a peice over the tree leads to its letting ariel roots which reach the ground and take root !

When there was a chikunguniya epidemic in our village, our ayurvedic doctor asked us to keep a big pot of this decocotion and give to all in the village as a preventive. It would stave the fever, or at least make sure the attack was mild if it did come on.
Chirubenda – Sida cordifloria (L), Bariar (H), Kurunthotti/ Sitramutti (Tml), Bala (S)

This is there all around our home. The village has incorporated this also.

Pithiki poo/ Paalpindaaku
- Aerva lanata (L), Sirupeelai (Tml),Pasana bheda (S)
This grows commonly through winter. This is a flower that is placed on the gavaramma, the bob of cowdung that is placed over the muggu (kolam/ rangoli) through the month of January.
This is an excellent medicine for kidney stones. When I gave this to Akkalavva, she reported the stone coming out after 2-3 days. The Sanskrit name itself means Stone Breaker (Pashana Bheda).

Addasaramu – Aadathoda vasica (L), Adusa
(H),Aadathoda (Tml), Vaasa (S)
This plant that we planted at the entry to our home has served many children. Varalu uses it as first line for her nephew and other children when they have wheezing.
It is also very effective in bleeding conditions, and a few drops of the leaf juice is instilled in cases of nose bleeding, and the decoction is also given internally.
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