A friend had commented on a post that cloth bags were available for much cheaper elsewhere. Then I saw that the comment was deleted. I am publicly posting my only considered response for this.
"This is what it costs us. To procure good quality gada from Madurai and Kalamkari cloth from Chennai, and for the four women to get a basic decent wage to sustain their families. Plain bags costed at 35/-, and with kalamkari strips or embroidary at 50/-. These are sturdy bags which can carry 5kg to 7kg. I think the middle class and upper middle class can pay this cost. They can also buy in bulk, and sell subsidized to whichever shops they wish to. They can persuade their upper end shops to do the same.
And anyway the bottom line of all pricing imo is not comparative market
economics, but that payment that gives the worker a decent nutrition
for his/her family, and a little butter over the bread. They need to settle
for nothing less. I am not interested in matching lowest costs."
(These and such faces are the ones these commentors need to face and answer to. I dont count.)

(These and such faces are the ones these commentors need to face and answer to. I dont count.)

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