Aparna Krishnan There are words like IITian, Stephanian etc. They are a different and more evolved species than Homo sapian ? Or just a higher caste ?
Sridhar Lakshmanan Bingo, I have been thinking abt it.
Aparna Krishnan and what is the answer ??
Sridhar Lakshmanan Dunno, I always thought all are people
Ramasamy Selvam They are from Mars. But don't know how to grow their food.
an 'IIT engineer' gives up his job and moves to a village, it becomes
adulatory news. More so if that lady or gentleman was working abroad and
returned !
But if an 12th pass or a graduate or a small shopkeeper does this I would consider that a far more significant step.
Because the IIT engineer always in a sense has options open. Somewhere that education itself keeps some doors open should he wish to start earning a living later. A person with simpler education makes a far more courageous move.
(Just saw a post on an 'engineer who had returned from abroad to work in a village', and so these musings ...)
But if an 12th pass or a graduate or a small shopkeeper does this I would consider that a far more significant step.
Because the IIT engineer always in a sense has options open. Somewhere that education itself keeps some doors open should he wish to start earning a living later. A person with simpler education makes a far more courageous move.
(Just saw a post on an 'engineer who had returned from abroad to work in a village', and so these musings ...)
Shyamala Sanyal More of us need to make the move, Aparna Krishnan. Applauded or not, every such move from urban to rural is valuable
Aparna Krishnan i
am referring to the caste system we are subscribing to. That a person
from a more elite college is a superior person, and more newsworthy. The
hierarchy of today, so internalised that we miss it.
Aparna Krishnan Of course every thinking person needs to engage with villages personally - as deeply and completely as courage permits.
Bharat Nayak The
point of that kind of post is may be to inspire other techies or the
people who have expertise and are sitting at edge to leave their
monotonous job.
We have to somewhere accept that most of the time, people who are technically sound and have expertise will be more beneficial than a 12th pass
We have to somewhere accept that most of the time, people who are technically sound and have expertise will be more beneficial than a 12th pass
Aparna Krishnan More
beneficial for what ? What do we feel needs to done ? What is the world
we desire to create/ protect ? From that understanding we begin.
Aparna Krishnan And why 'inspire techies' ? All youth I would think ! :)
Srivattsan Raghavan I
am more worried that these educated people who suffer from education...
Will put their city based mindset on village. Rather than seeing
village as a natural ecosystem! A lot of people my friends think
villagers are uncivilised and their way of worship..
And these people will celebrate Halloween.. A lot of people come with
thought that that villagers have to become civilised rather than a
mutual learning experience!! Media has been created and built by
Intellectuals who had been in Ac rooms and 4 walls in cities.. Tasting
the western flavour of life...their definition of progress is
materialism... And dot... It ends there.. It's "I" no "we" ... only
quite a few exceptions are there!
Aparna Krishnan you nailed it.
Rama Murthy Right. I have seen and faced this time and again....
Rama Murthy The real heroes are invariably sidelined and forgotten in our country and this is one such ....
Renuka Devi True Aparna. People with simple and humble background decide to lead a life in the village by redusing consumerism and living with community are real heroes.
Amitabh Nigam Aparna Krishnan, one of the reasons why the perception is like this ( IIT"/foreign returned"- to the roots versus Lesser mortals devoting themselves ) is due to our enculturation of glorifying sacrifice over duty !
This comes from our epics Ramayana and Mahabharata.
Remember that Rama is worshipped because he sacrificed the throne and went to forest. No one remembers Bharat who ran the show for 14 years. Therefore renunciation/abdication has more "value" than performing your duty laboriously. On the top of it, Geeta professes that duty should be done without expectations.
The act of working for others if you have limited options is indeed nobler.
This comes from our epics Ramayana and Mahabharata.
Remember that Rama is worshipped because he sacrificed the throne and went to forest. No one remembers Bharat who ran the show for 14 years. Therefore renunciation/abdication has more "value" than performing your duty laboriously. On the top of it, Geeta professes that duty should be done without expectations.
The act of working for others if you have limited options is indeed nobler.
Aparna Krishnan I agree. Just that the present day caste system of IIT > BA, and fluent English > fluent Tamil, needs to be seen. I wish anyone moving to a village giving up a career would be quoted, and the adjective 'IIT" be dropped.
Amitabh Nigam Judging/Grading/Comparing is another trait we grow up with. Hence the qualifying adjectives prefixing every entity !
Mihir Pathak absolutely
right. I always asked this question to my teachers who never encouraged
me to stay at village. but now I am here at dharampur. I am 12th fail

Prakash Thangavel 12th grade would be considered jobless where as IIT guy would be considered as one who sacrificed..
Aparna Krishnan precisely !!
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