The PM has made some comment on plastic surgery having been done on Ganesha. Much ridicule has been poured on this for his lack of scientific thinking.
I have serious objections both to his statements, and to the objections made by others - and my own reasons are different.
To the PM
1. Ganesha and the stories are of religious significance to people. The work was of god's, as they say. To reduce it to plastic surgery is to mock at people and their gods.
To the Critics
2. Plastic surgery has existed in ancient India - with procedures
clearly documented in Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita - our
foundation texts even for present day Ayurveda practice. The glories of
our ancient past does not interest me very much, as it is the present
that I am worrying about. But sometimes the past does establish the
To the PM and his Critics
3. Why should the myths or ancient science need to be couched in the language of modern science except that is seen has the most credible of all systems. That the religion of modern science is crowned as the most authentic of all religions is problematic.
At the alter of modern science is sacrificed all that does not measure upto its process of 'scientific validation'. That includes religion, the mantrams of my village people, existances and processes that place value on beleifs that do not fit into 'modern science'.
To the PM and his Critics
3. Why should the myths or ancient science need to be couched in the language of modern science except that is seen has the most credible of all systems. That the religion of modern science is crowned as the most authentic of all religions is problematic.
At the alter of modern science is sacrificed all that does not measure upto its process of 'scientific validation'. That includes religion, the mantrams of my village people, existances and processes that place value on beleifs that do not fit into 'modern science'.
Vipin Sharma Science
is nothing but a rediscovery of already present facts, who knew about
electricity before it was invented, but positive and negative charges
and conductors of electricity were always present similarly who knew
about uses of crude oil, it was only
after the invention of automobile engines that the use of crude oil as
petroleum and gas was invented do we mean to say that crude oil never
existed. Science is a re-discovery of facts that are uncovered due to
man's thinking and enterprise. Stories of myth are more in the nature of
metaphysics rather than physics, these stories depict mythical deities
as energies rather than physical forms, metaphysics and study of various
energies is a scientific branch in itself that is yet to be explored
fully. But then who knew about mobile phones and internet just 50 years
ago, what to talk about thousands of years in the past, I think science
has to come a full circle to truly understand the metaphysical truths
about energies and the nature of matter itself as quantum physics and
string theories are striving to prove that matter can indeed be broken
down into nothingness.
Piyush Manush makes a lot of sense!!
Aparna Krishnan Piyush, was expecting some brickbats from your end !
Piyush Manush aiyoo . .. why this impression amma !
Gokul Kenath It
may not be exactly a great thing to directly relate puranas to
scientific discoveries even though it certainly presents an idea. But,
it is no way means that India lacks scientific heritage. As much as
India is famous for its philosophical and cultural heritage, it also has
a great deal of scientific heritage even though most of the moderners
are completely unaware of it.
Gokul Kenath When
you have time, please watch this video by Dr N Gopalakrishnan on
India's scientific heritage. Things would be more clear on this.
Aparna Krishnan to
'scienticize' religion is a very 'modern' approach - because in
modernity science is the most sacred.
Modi also clearly subscribes to this modern view. My village people keep their religion separate and holy and in its place, and their secular studies are in their place.
Modi also clearly subscribes to this modern view. My village people keep their religion separate and holy and in its place, and their secular studies are in their place.
Gokul Kenath There
are a few relations among a few practices, rituals and a few scientific
principles. Then again, it has to be analyzed at such individual
practices level, not a generalization at the religion level :) There is lies the difference.
Aparna Krishnan meaning ?
Gokul Kenath Meaning,
a religion is a collection of millions of such practices and ideas.
Some will be scientific, some will be completely non scientific. Very
dangerous to generalize everything into one label.
Aparna Krishnan yes.
science has a limited space. faith has a limited space, tradition
another limited space - to make science the God (as is being done today)
is a problem. And is most superstitious !
Gokul Kenath Learning
E=MC squared will give me a scientific information; but, it is not
enough to make my mind calm; it is not enough to give me that inner
peace. That is where science alone will not be enough for a human.
Otherwise, we all can recite Pythagoras theorem and Einstein's principles every morning instead of Vishnu Sahasranamam or Gayathri Manthram
For peace of mind and such things, you need to have something else than just the material science :)

For peace of mind and such things, you need to have something else than just the material science :)
Aparna Krishnan Not
just peace of mind ... even at a secular level there are many many
systems and knowleges. science is only one of them. my village people
treat with herbs, with mantrams, with antrams ... and though my
'scientific' mind looks with interest at the herbs, and dismisses the
others ... i realize the sense of superiority, and the arrogance in my
dismissive attitude. and i see it in others of my class and clan also.
Gokul Kenath The
important point is to identify what comes under the scope of science
and what comes under the scope of faith and not to confuse or interfere
one with the other.
It is like the eyes and the nose. Eyes are the pramanam for sight; what eyes see, the nose cannot confirm nor deny. Similarly, the nose alone are the pramanam for smell; what nose smells the eyes cannot confirm nor deny.
This needs to be remembered. It is a very wrong practice to try to approve or disprove scientific findings by using the ideas of faith and equally wrong to try to interpret the rights and wrongs of matters related to faith using the scientific principles.
It is like the eyes and the nose. Eyes are the pramanam for sight; what eyes see, the nose cannot confirm nor deny. Similarly, the nose alone are the pramanam for smell; what nose smells the eyes cannot confirm nor deny.
This needs to be remembered. It is a very wrong practice to try to approve or disprove scientific findings by using the ideas of faith and equally wrong to try to interpret the rights and wrongs of matters related to faith using the scientific principles.
Aparna Krishnan this worship of science and scientific spirit to the exclusion of all else is so superstitious.
Aparna Krishnan well,
speaking of 'ancient science', in ayurveda i see that the last word has
been said in the Brihad Trayi - Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and
Ashtanga Hrudaya. Today as we have addressed auto immune conditions like
SLE, incurable cases like haemophilia,
and many other intractable conditions, we have proceeded on these texts
alone (and others like Sarangadhara, Madhava Nidhana ... all from
ancient to medeival times). this is all i have seen closely - and
thereby can imagine the wealth of ancient sciences.
Aparna Krishnan Allopathy
seems a nascent empirical science before Ayurveda, when the latter is
seen at depth - in theory, and in the hands of a competent practitioner.
The mindlessness everywhere.
The PM has said something about plastic surgery and Ganesha. And all over I am seeing reactions, mocking the scriptures, mocking the Mahabharatha. Mocking the fact that plastic surgery has existed in India.
All I know is that reconstruction of the nose and the ear are clearly described in Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita. These were in vogue. The other thing I know is that the Mahabharatha is revered deeply in the real India in villages ... and the best lessons from it are incorporated in day to day living - lessons of generosity quoting Karna, lessons of fortitude saying that 'even the gods underwent the viccicitudes of life', lessons of karma 'if we violate dharmam, then rains will fail' ...
The PM has obviously used this as an analogy. In this day and age no one beleives that an elephants head can be grafted on a human being.
If we are going to reject all that the other says - even when the essense what they say is valid - more fools us.
(There is this other post being gleefully circulated about how to oppose the mindless moral policeing, public kissing is undertaken. I have no comments. I only wonder how Eashwaramma and Varalu will react to this. To me they are the ones who represent the sense and sensibility of India.)
Probably science and religion are complementary rather each ultimate. each is incomplete whole to life. Both are based on faith or belief and imagine. science is also begins as predict/ imangination at its hypothetical level and then may or not proved.