" And to correct the epic disadvantages over generations will take generations."
Komakkambedu Himakiran
How many people who oppose reservations even think about the problems of the less privileged? They don't see beyond their own. All their arguments about meritocracy are merely to undermine reservations, not a single of them protested management quota.
I have lived with the poor, as a friend and neighbour. I have seen their situation and their difficulties. Reservations are needed for them, because every odd is against them - poor schools, hunger, illiterate families, a drunk father, a sick mother ...
But if people do not realise this I can understand. Because of one of my childhood memories that I squirm over, and am deeply ashamed of.
I was in class 10 when the Mandal Commission was implemented. My middle class peer group and their parents were deeply affronted. I also heard the logic that the country will suffer due to mediocrity if 'less competent' were put in positions of responsibility. And in the immature patriotisim of childhood, fearing that the 'country would suffer', I also joined a '1 day hunger strike' against the commission by all the colony children, that was held in the local park, under the fond eyes of many parents.
It took other friends later, and a struggle against a dam, and a village, for me to learn truth, and squirm at that fast of decades ago that I joined in.
Until that day when the poor have the same same starting position and facilies as the poor, let them have reservations.

SV Let me tell you a story Aparna ... I get into MBBS, work hard,go to the hospital everyday,learn... Put my heart and soul into it... After its done I prepare for my post graduation entrance-the 1st time I give it I get a rank in 10 thousands--its obvious I'm not going to get any seat,forget one of my choice so I sit and prepare again. There was a classmate of mine, it was obvious from day one that he had not got in via merit...he barely scrapes by in all the exams, all the years, never attends clinics,never works with the patients-when he is called out by a doctor during rounds he can never answer...somehow-by a combination of grace marks and ridiculous amounts of luck he passes, and he is preparing for the same MD entrance exam...he gets a rank of 20thousand overall,but he has a certificate of category (Let me make it clear that this was the 1st time anyone knew at all that he belonged to a so-called backward class)...even with that abysmal rank overall,because of that certificate he gets a seat,not any seat but medicine... Which is the 4/5th sought after specialisation... I guess he will scrape through again somehow-but is this someone you would want treating you,your parents, your children?? Think about it..I know you follow ayurveda,but majority of the population relies on allopathy.... Would any of them allow themselves to be treated by someone who did not work as hard,did not learn, did not even put in an effort...simply got through on the basis of some piece of paper which declared his family at some point of time was considered "backward" ... I have two friends who voluntarily enter themselves as general category because they hate the concept of getting an edge over based on the status of their family, generations ago...frankly, no one knows or cares about the caste of anyone else,where iv lived-maybe that is different in the interiors but really,the 1st time I heard of caste of my friends was when we talked about was during the time we were filling the entrance exam forms....in my generation and among my peers its a non-issue,forget non issue,some people don't even know their own castes! ..and one more thing, the sc/St/obc status can be bought and used...well off families do it....the thought of reservation in a post graduation course is pathetic,it makes mockery of the people who have dreamt and worked so very hard to get there.... If any sort of reservation is required it should be on the basis of financial status alone and only...that's the only way to see it benefiting the people it was meant for,not well of people who buy a certificate/use their status as an unfair advantage when it

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